Scientists have discovered a liquid lake on Mars. This could mean life?

Scientists have discovered a liquid lake on Mars. This could mean life?

And ‘terribly difficult to kill a planet and Mars should know why Mars should be dead. A long time ago, perhaps 4300000000 years ago the red planet was a place not unlike the earth. He dense atmosphere and plenty of water, many of which could have been concentrated in a vast ocean in its northern hemisphere. Throughout the rest of the planet were lakes, rivers and smaller oceans. But Mars quickly cooled interior. That her off protective magnetic field, which in turn allows the particles from the sun streaming Martian claw distance charged atmosphere. Once the air was gone, the water sprayed into the room. Without water, life, at least as we know it is impossible. Yet, on Mars it depends. is a study published Wednesday in Science, the researchers are working with the European Space Agency’s Mars Express probe report the existence of a level of 12.5 miles lake of liquid water beneath a layer of ice at the South Pole of Mars. On Earth, life has had its beginning in a stable body of water, and the same is true on Mars could be. What’s more, where there is a lake, it could easily be different. “There is no reason to conclude,” the study authors wrote, “that the presence of underground water is limited to a single location.” It ‘was a clear, and that at least some of Martian water has been able, the great drying to survive that hit the planet long before then. In 2008, the robotic arm scraped on Phoenix Lander NASA Mars removed soil and a layer of water ice found. In 2011, NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has discovered stripes on Mars significant slopes that occur during the planet’s early, probably caused by thawing ice deposits underground and running when the temperature grows warmer. So far, however, the standing water had not been discovered on Mars. But researchers who have made the new discovery led by astrophysicist Roberto Orosei, the National Institute of Astrophysics in Bologna, Italy knew that the place was in polar regions. In Greenland and Antarctica, lakes Geologists have discovered beneath the surfaces of the ice plates, held by the pressure of the liquid and ice from salts and other minerals, the lower the melting point of water, preventing it from freezing. Mars has polar ice caps also, and there are lots of sodium, magnesium and calcium in the soil of the planet, as antifreeze effects they might have. Oreosei and his colleagues therefore decided when required with radar on board Mars Express, to see if they could not go to the water in the southern polar region exploration known as the Austral Planum, where previous surveys had produced radar reflections that at least It proposed the presence of water. During three and a half years, from May 2012 to December 2015, the team conducted 29 probes when the probe from the target region during its oscillating orbits of Mars. What they were looking for were slight differences in the travel time to two paths of the radar pulses as they were blasted to the surface and bounced back to the spaceship. This may indicate the density and make-up, equal to hit the type of surface or below the surface of the material of the radar pulses. In each step, a different piece of land, the probe is scanned, producing a series of radar footprints overlap to varying degrees. Therefore, a single patch 12.5 miles returned the unmistakable signature of liquid water under a relatively thin layer of ice thickness is 0.9 miles. The water is not perfect; is salty and at the outlets may be confused, mixed with basements. But water is unequivocal and unmistakable liquid. If life could be in March of south polar sea, surviving yet unnamed-matter is much iffier. On Earth, the salty sea water can remain liquid at temperatures up to a little above 28 ° C (-2 ° C). In Mars See, with its overlying pressure and its rich mixture of minerals, water may be as cold as -103º F (-75 ° C). This is a terribly cold environment in which to try to make a go of things biological. within rocks of the desert in the boiling hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, in the Siberian permafrost: Still life on Earth has been in some pretty punishing places. In comparison to that, a bit ‘of water from Mars ice does not seem so bad. Ultimately Mars may be turning from a completely dead world. But now the question remains wide open and one with the new study, researchers now have more places than ever, looking for a hint of a pulse of Mars. Correction July 25 The original version of this story false information the potential of ocean salt water freezing temperature on Earth. It is -2 ° C, 2 ° C