Here’s what a sunrise on Mars sounds like

Here’s what a sunrise on Mars sounds like

George W. Bush was still in his first term in the White House and Barack Obama was a member of parliament of the state of Illinois, where the rover Opportunity landed on Mars on January 25, 2004. The probe had a life expectancy of at least 90 Mars Sun – or Martian day, 39 minutes each 24 hours, are just a little ‘more than an Earth day. NASA typically lowballs these estimates in a spaceship to help exceed official expectations, and the odds were good that opportunity would continue to work for at least a couple of years. What no one expected to grow for a few years to 15 years. Opportunity remains currently Endeavor crater just below the equator of Mars, and while the contact NASA after a sand storm the ship lost in June is the agency to try to connect with him. But if the opportunity is finally lost, it at least allowed some ‘music behind it. unveiled at the Supercomputing Conference 2018 in Dallas November 13 engineers from England Exeter University, who called Martian “soundscape” two minutes harmonious composition that recovery – or, more accurately interpreted – the sound of a sunrise on Mars. The special dawn chose was a special opportunity that 5000 witnessed on Mars. The Exeter engineers started with a photo of the sun hangs low on the horizon of Mars, and then they began to analyze and process one pixel at a time. The image was acquired from left to right, and each pixel has a tone was tested for its color, brightness, and in the case of pixels that form the image of the ground, associated with the height of the terrain on the base. lighter ones, have been associated with higher notes, the highest of all the exploration when the sample that passes through the sun. The technique known as “data sonification” serves more of an aesthetic purpose in this case such as practical. It ‘s just beautiful and so cool, and this is more than enough. But it also has other applications. “The image sonification … can be used in various fields, from studying some properties of surfaces and planetary atmospheres, weather changes or detecting volcanic eruptions to analyze,” said Domenico proximity, one of the developers of Mars song, in a statement. “In the health sciences, scientists can provide new methods to analyze the occurrence of certain shapes and colors, which is particularly useful in diagnostic imaging.” These applications could lead to valuable contributions to all kinds of disciplines. But it is the song that mars farewell could be the opportunity that could be remembered better. If so, it will be a farewell assembly for a remarkable machine.