Climate change is forever. ‘Thousands of children in British schools on foot as a sign of environmental protest

Climate change is forever. ‘Thousands of children in British schools on foot as a sign of environmental protest

Thousands of students descended on central London Friday, from their classrooms walk their action anger about the lack of government to talk about climate change. Hundreds of banners and signs with messages like “There is no plan (et) B” was kept high, while the songs were heard on Parliament Square in Westminster “Hey, hey, ho, ho, no climate change going to take. ” To earn some as young as 12, under a statue of Mahatma Gandhi gathered outside outside Downing Street, the home of Prime Minister protesters. According to the protest organizers they have signed a group known as the Youth strike four climate, similar protests in more than 60 cities and towns across the U.K. More than 200 scientists have taken an open letter in The Guardian published Wednesday in support of the march. Other student-led movement gained momentum around the world in recent months, with demonstrations in Australia, Belgium, Germany, the United States, Japan and other countries. Just recently there have been large demonstrations in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and France. The campaign was inspired by the actions of Greta Thunberg, that their land was not enough to stick to do the climate agreement in Paris, a 16 year old activist, the headlines in the past year, pickets when he started out by the Swedish, angry parliament. The movement is on March 15 with students in countries around the world planning goes from school to go global. In a statement to TIME divided, he warned the official spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May against “interference” caused by the protests. “Everyone wants young people to be involved in issues that concern them most, so you can create a better future for all of us to build,” reads the statement. “But it is important that the interference teacher workload increases and class time waste to emphasize that teachers have prepared carefully. This time is crucial for young people so accurate that they can develop in the best scientists, engineers and lawyers , to deal with this problem we need help. “Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the UK Labor Party and the opposition, he said, to understand why children of older generations were disappointed, climate change called “the greatest threat that we all face.” For Severn Suzuki, a researcher at the University of British Columbia and environmentalists, to hear Thunberg Family history. do not make a speech at the United Nations in 1992, the then 12-year-old Cullis-Suzuki has reported enough world leader to fight global warming. She says, frustrated by the inaction steering feels since then, but remains optimistic that meaningful change can be achieved. “The fact that we destroy our youth still shows the future that we have a social situation that is broken,” he says. “We need to listen to what young people say today. Adults tend to feel overwhelmed by climate change – we think Oh, God, there’s nothing we can do about it ‘Young people think the opposite way:’ No , certain that we can change the world ‘, they say., and they are absolutely right. “in London on Friday several protesters criticized the reluctance to fight climate change under British politicians existential threat to humanity. “Some countries will be in the next ten years under the water, if we do something,” says Eliza, 15 years, one that connected the Friday protests. “We want to declare a state of emergency Air was political. Theresa May should feel people start, the UK and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum is important, sure, but climate change is forever.” Another protester, Sidney McCleod, 16, said he and his generation were to be ignored tired. “Older people think we’re ignorant, but look around,” he says, pointing to the swelling crowd. “We have clued up enough.”
Picture copyright by Ben Stansall AFP / Getty Images