What Hungary Viktor Orban power serious funds for E.U.

What Hungary Viktor Orban power serious funds for E.U.

If you are an aspiring autocrats of the world, then the Christmas wreath in spring. No one has seized the opportunity with more vigor than Hungarian Viktor Orban, who this week was the Hungarian parliament in which the right Fidesz party a two-thirds supermajority commands it-happens sweeping new powers to deal with the crisis crown. The mandate allows him to rule by decree, it came without an expiration date, and with negligible supervision. Moments of panic are vulnerable to exploitation by strong political men. The overwhelming sense of fear and helplessness that consumes people in crisis causes, such as pandemics that also willing to seek the guidance of someone to provide it; a central government response is never more appreciated than in times of crisis. Even in real democracies, there is a tendency for stronger government at a time like chaotic as that. That only deductible Orban goes further. Make no mistake, it was obvious that the Orban power play, the sentence already pronounced with the back part of emergency in 2015 under the crisis of European refugees. But this week he moved the need were made regarding Orban to be an autocrat in the world successful today, you must be an excellent manager of limited resources, to provide the people and systems that will be sure to stay in power. While Hungary has been as overwhelmed by the Crown as some of its European neighbors (at time of writing, something Hungary has more than 600 cases from Johns Hopkins Crown Resource Center), the crisis across the continent already hit the tourism industry Hungary, one of the easiest sources of money for Orban and his patronage network. This means more money and contracts are awarded with ties closer to Orban to the Hungarian company, one of the state of emergency can be useful ways. But sources from a shrinking economic pie redirection is quite unlikely. Orban has spent years pushing foreign companies out not ready to play (by laws and taxes), ready with his game in favor of business partners more to do his bidding. This is a trend that localized bad food in all sectors such as retail, finance and news for consumers continue Hungary (who must pay more for goods that are cheaper to produce outside of their country) but good news for Orban network … at least until it is needed. It ‘hard to find a system of government with volatile cash flows solely for the support; Therefore Orban He also spends his last decade in power systematically dismantle checks and balances in Hungary has eroded the country’s democracy from within. He spent his years in office packing courts with allies to launch attacks against civil society and democracy advocates such as George Soros and undermine free media at every opportunity to their advantage. The new law will punish something the government considers it as “false news”, with up to five years in prison. Today, Hungary is a democracy in name only, except for the occasional trip to the polls, extend Orban legitimacy, though the elections are far from being free and fair. This should make a lot of people in Hungary, but should provide even more in Brussels. The European Union should insist that the European countries that believe in freedom of democracy and the rule of law, none of which is on display these days in Hungary. The only instrument available against Hungary invoking Article 7 that some of Hungary’s right as E.U. It could expose members, but all hopes of their defanged Orban approach to change is the unanimity rule to pass; Poland moves veto and Hungary will be the same on behalf of the Poles against Hungary. The sanction mechanism ineffective, with the benefit of more united European leaders in the interest of political cohesion to ignore (or sometimes simply political expediency) has led to the current state of affairs. Unlike previous crises, such as the financial crisis that nearly euro or the crisis of refugees condemned the fact that almost tore breaking the political union, the attack on civil liberties under the pretext of fighting the Crown is not a crisis that ‘Europe can be solved by money alone, this is an attack on the political values ​​that protect the European Union, was created. Ironically, though, while money can not solve this particular problem, it bought a little ‘time in Brussels last week, the E.U. estimated € 5.6 billion for the fight against Crown Hungary. Orban desperately you need this money, and so is unlikely to use his new powers too out of the line, at least in the short term. Europe knows; so does Orban. The real question is whether someone does something to see on the long-term crisis of democracy in Hungary that all looming. Recent history shows no one should hold their breath … even if they are already wearing face masks are
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