President Trump great time in front of a church shows that he missed the point of the protests

President Trump great time in front of a church shows that he missed the point of the protests

Before the police launched tear gas and rubber bullets in a block from the White House. First official charged on horseback for a line of protesters. Before President Donald Trump held a Bible in front of a church with the sting still chemicals in the air. It ‘was the truck. Shortly after 17:00 am on Monday in Washington, a line of nine military trucks of National Guard troops in helmets and camouflage tan slowly rolled over the park of the White House and contributes in a narrow alley behind the West Wing entrance, passing the canvas on top just below the windows, the office of the chief of cabinet of the President, the Vice President and the national security advisor. Protesters calling for an end to police brutality and the systematic racial discrimination, felt stronger on Lafayette Square Park as of Columbia National Guard vehicles District are traveling from the north of the White House door can sing, and turned right along a line fence with on another night in June Grab tourists were selfies would drilled front of the north iconic columns. The rare demonstration of military power in the White House had been together just the beginning of Trump orchestrated moving drama. Inside the podium in the White House Rose Garden for Trump it was built the nation of widespread protests and vandalism after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis custody roiled address police. were surrounding blocks, police and federal officials to position itself as other demonstrators and approaching 19 hours the curfew gathered. Read more: After the death of George Floyd: Behind the most powerful voices of protest now some photos Trump will hold a conference call with governors, to tell them, some answers were “weak” in the protests. Trump had his own ideas on how to manage problems, and he had brought the intelligence reports he had taken bunker in the White House on Friday night Stung escalation of protests outside. While the little control president, on how states use their police forces or the National Guard, in Washington, DC does command a large number of federal forces, including the Secret Service, the FBI, the US Park police, the Bureau of Alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives (ATF), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the US marshals and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. 06:30, more than a thousand people lined up on the northern edge of the park sang “Black lives matter”, “No justice, no peace” and “stop the black people to kill,” and a series of intelligence to the down and DC Metropolitan Police officers with helmets and shields. Then the pony began. As Trump speaks in the Rose Garden started, tear gas at the crowd felt to be called through the park to life, and the sound of ponies and walking over the treetops by and interrupted his observations. Trump with three set has began about Floyd, the 46-year-old black man who held died after a white police officer in Minneapolis on May 25, his knee on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. “Rightly did all sick Americans and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd,” said Trump, adding that his administration “is determined that George and his family served justice.. Die not in vain” For the Trump rest of 6 minutes and 42 seconds of speech, the president did not mention or commit major complaint of the protesters to solve noisy gassed to be outside: the frequency of killings of unarmed blacks men and women by the police in the entire Country . Instead, it has swung to its central point in the evening leans as a defender order. “We just can not allow peaceful protesters shouts from a mob drowned,” he said. “I will fight to protect you. I am your president of public order and an ally of all peaceful demonstrators” Read more.:. You can ‘Photographing New York George Floyd protests said he is working to’ restore security in America. ‘ He mobilize ‘civilian and military resources” of the unrest to stop and looting ‘, said he and “protect the rights of abiding American law, including your Second Amendment rights”, a line is feared a bit’ an invitation to gun owners who take the law into their own hands. He said he wants to every governor and to implement the National Guard “rule the streets.” When a city or state are not doing enough, Trump said, has “the US military implement and quickly solve the problem for them,” a threat that would require the use of Insurrection Act of 1807 and test the constitution limits the power of President to use the military on home soil. Trump concluded his speech by saying that he would do his respects “to a very special place.” The president has left the Rose Garden and walked out the front doors of the White House, accompanied by the secret services and other helpers. He stopped at the rectory of the Church of St. John, who had been the night before being vandalized, inflamed as the protesters a fire in the basement nursery. An hour had before in front of the church of a station in which priests and other volunteers were helping hand sidewalk outside water demonstrators before the amount was forcibly removed by police and federal officials. There pale yellow in front of the historic sanctuary, known as the “Church of the Presidents,” Trump was going to images, awkwardly balancing a Bible in his right hand. When a reporter asked if it was his Bible, said Trump, who was “a Bible.” When asked if he had any idea said Trump, “we have a great country. This is my thought. The bigger country in the world. We will make bigger. We make it even bigger. It will not take long. It will not take long. You see what’s going on. you see, it comes back. “moment Trump for him in the search radius control of two blocks around his house and a Bible in front of a standing church has come at a huge cost, whole power of the federal government with a peaceful protest to suppress and enhance the echo of martial law. The Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop includes the Diocese of Washington, DC, the St. John Parish, objections Trump photo-op. “The Bible teaches us to love God and our neighbor; that all men are God’s beloved children, we love justice and goodness are doing,” he tweeted Budde. The president “used a Bible and a church in my diocese as a background for a message at odds with the teachings of Jesus,” he wrote Budde, and make “so that he has sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot at the courtyard of the elimination church. “Two hours before Trump in the church were Anya Colon held a poster that” Black Lives Matter, “in a place near overlooking the pillars of the white house to read. Colon, 38, had led him to take seven hours from Rome, N.Y., their message to the president. “I feel like Trump lot of racism going on in this country catalysed – that has always been, of course, is not his fault, but I had to bring him,” said Colon. Colon grandmother marched in Selma, Alabama in 1965 to urge local authorities blacks to vote. “We need to do a couple of things to make the change. This march is going for decades. I had to be here, something from my belly pushed me and pulled me here,” said Colon, African Americans. She brought with her cousin, Iliana Arthur, 41. Arthur held a sign. He said: “We regard.”