Joe Biden says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be for the policy panel

Joe Biden says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be for the policy panel

Joe Biden said Tuesday that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Serve on a policy task force that his campaign is preparing to start when it is spread on the left side for the followers of Bernie Sanders and others. In an interview with the CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, Biden offered the Congress names new Yorkeren as an example of the kind of person to be included on the panels that were announced as leaving Sanders Democratic presidential race last month. The presumptive Democratic candidate not yet implemented that half a dozen panels that address key policy issues he had said. “We have to set accordance with joint committees, as we do with everything down from all viruses the way for education, the criminal justice system would deal with the Green New Deal, etc.,” said Biden, referring to the Green New Deal, a ‘initiative sponsored by Ocasio-Cortez air. Would Lauren Hitt, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, said the representative of a committee to be that “the vice president called to assist the development of climate policy.” “She believes that the move will only succeed if we continue the pressure applied both inside and outside the system,” added Hitt. Biden said that he won despite Lockdown Joe Biden pushed back Tuesday against the idea that his campaign might be suffering, because it is limited to virtual events during the pandemic, and pointed to polls showing him leading President Donald Trump. “Right now, the idea that we are somehow injured by my attitude to the rules and follow the instructions that have been brought by the absolutely bizarre documents forward,” he said in an interview with “Good Morning America” ABC when asked if he would return to the campaign trail. “I reject the premise that this hurts us.” Since mid-March, Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, was at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, where his campaign has built a studio for virtual events. Meanwhile, Trump has a press conference almost every day and had recently started traveling. Biden said he lost interaction with voters and is eager to return to public events, but would only do so after consultation with medical experts. “Follow the President of rules should show rather without masks to places,” he said. – Tyler pager Coming Democratic primary on May 19 Oregon State hold all national competitions by post since 1998
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