It ‘s just after 7:00 Clinton Hygiene Tavis pulls truck to a stop in an alley in Washington, DC, Petworth neighborhood, the streets of rowhouses aging and gentrified lined the occasional glass and metal upstart apartment complex. The restoration crew chief 41 years, like other members of his team of three men is African-American, navigating the massive truck Orange City through the narrow streets, covered his mouth in a bandana with stars and stripes. His colleagues jumping, some containers on wheels grab and swing it in a practiced bow on a mechanized arm that the tips of the garbage into the truck. The team skates then the container behind the still quiet houses and sprint back to the next set, through the masks in the former swamp late spring heat her panting face. sanitation workers as Clinton Show before dawn for their shifts 06 o’clock to start the same package in masks, gloves, jackets and vests neon, and a take-no-prisoners spirit of hard body shifts the bloccate- down the city’s garbage removed. The streets were empty, but the waste is difficult with so many stay at home during the crown pandemic. The crews of three men pack into the truck cab, where no social distancing is possible. When Clinton returns home to his wife and five children, he sprayed his clothes and then disinfected hard scrub in the shower before you go anywhere near them. “It ‘s difficult,” Clinton said. “I just trust in my team, that once you leave work, I’m home, and are not socialize, because all our health is at a time.” Clinton and his crew are part of the essential workers that the US capital is running during the pandemic declared, most of whom are African Americans are in town. And ‘one of the official reasons for the community to say African-American is so hard hit by COVID-19: While African Americans almost 47% of the District of Columbia make up the population, and 46% of COVID-19 cases in the city, but also the source of over 76% of deaths in the city. Now that district officials announced non-essential shops this Friday reopened, make your black and brown residents, who are disproportionately affected by the virus, the main burden will bring a second wave of infections when people leave their homes. Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser knows that both lead Affairs and the risk to the health of workers largely in black and minimize Latinx do the work in front of the pandemic. Latinx the second highest risk for COVID-19 group are described in U.S. .; in the district, they make up 11% of the urban population and 25% of infections. “You do not get to open and be successful if the people in their lives afraid,” says Bowser TIME. The Virus disproportionate impact on the District of Columbia black community, in particular, reflect a larger pattern in the United States. Across the country, the only African-American 12.3% of the country, but almost 26.3% of COVID-19 cases and 22.7% of the deaths, according to figures from the CDC. (At least 30% of the results Testing by CDC records compiled failed race.) A high rate of underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, along with historically low-paying jobs, many African-American communities at higher risk exposing COVID-19, experts say. The lopsided toll “Reflectors have the underlying inequalities and burdens that the black community in the past to deal with in this country,” former President Barack Obama said in his speech at the beginning of the 16th in May for Historically Black College and university. Until this week, Washington, D. C. The surprisingly high percentage of African American deaths has become the city a national outlier his orders stay-at-home helped. On May 13, DC, Bowser extended work until 8 June, while almost all the others were moved to a sort of re-opening. Your caution proved prescient: the Major of DC, had the highest rate of positive COVID-19 tests in the nation on 22 May, just before Memorial Day weekend, according to the white house response coordinator crown Deborah Birx. But on Wednesday, after the holiday, Bowser a tweet that would lift the blockade on 29 May, had stretched as cases of arrears 14 days. He remembered the residents of the district that “the virus is still around us. The public health emergency will continue, and gatherings of more than 10 persons are prohibited, despite the lifting of the stay-at-home for this Friday.” I was cautiously Bowser put your life in their city limits at odds with the president that the country was actively pushing to return to the store. They sought a diplomatic line with the administration to go because Trump DC, federal funding requires a million dollar budget to make up inspired by the increase in social assistance costs and falling tax revenue due to the loss of pandemic nearly $. 725 But she does not sugarcoat the fact that they minister Donald Trump thinks push to open the needs of some of the most vulnerable Americans facing rear. “It ‘happened that insensitive type of calculation that surprised me,” he says. “It ‘a bit’ like, ‘Well, this COVID kill old people and, Oh, good. It brings black people and bad people, and essential workers. Oh, well.'” Keep on the growing threat to global health in the loop to subscribe to our daily newsletter crown. , This death, which comes to ‘For many of the early members of the nascent DC, the 19-COVID sanitation crew has brought both a sense of new pride in their important work and a creeping sense of dread. “The public will come out when they arrive on the streets, children without them,” says Earl Simpson, 43, the administrator collection department hypothesis Associate DC. “I, the citizens really would appreciate the garbage to collect and recycle”. But some have already quit his job to worry about their safety. Fear of the virus took a charge of employees of the longest Stadtreinigung, Maurice “Pony Man” Regina, 72, to retire at the end, on April 3, after his “50 years, 7 months and 22 days of service.” He began the work was assassinated shortly after Martin Luther King in Memphis, where support a protest revered by blacks garbage collectors had traveled. He says he has never missed a week of work to beat the crown. Now it is on young people supervised in question, which are still in the labor market. “We are a few more people die before this is sorted out,” said the queen. “And I’m just hoping and praying that none of my family or someone you know a part of this death to rise.” The disproportionately African-American communities in the United States 19 COVID factory for a variety of reasons. Many live in low income, densely neighborhoods with a large number of multi-generational housing, spreading the virus helps Danyelle says Solomon, 39, vice president of race and ethnicity in the Center for American Progress (CAP). Other factors that type of work include lack of a financial safety net and existing health conditions, he says. African-Americans make up about a third of some of the public areas of the service sector, such as taxi drivers and hairdressers, according to research CAP. This is partly the reason why less than one-fifth of American blacks, and less than one-sixth of Americans Latinx are able to work from home, says Solomon. And for every $10 a typical white family in the bank, a typical black family holds just $1, according to research CAP. “The wealth allows people react to this unexpected emergency such COVID-19,” he says, “the resources you can draw on, if you do not draw a salary.” Whether it is for health, the analysis of the CAP, that 28% of people of color ages between 18 and 64 in the US – and more than 21 million people – have a pre-existing condition such as asthma, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes may be at greater risk of serious illness from COVID -19 September In Washington, DC, Mayor Bowser, 47, he says that the virus was “effective against the underlying conditions that you see in the African-American community, such as diabetes and high blood pressure and heart disease.” She says she has taken even those that luxury does not have to stay at home, and those who live in families with multiple generations are busier always twice as families if they do not hire because of lost wages do. “Less is coupled as an optimal health decisions to isolate with the inability to have black and brown communities placed directly in the crosshairs of COVID-19,” says Bowser. Others say that criticize African Americans for lifestyle choices that lead slaps medical history of the victim’s fault. blacks most populous neighborhoods of Washington, concentrated in Wards 7 and 8, food deserts, says Doni Crawford of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, with only three large supermarkets serve 160,000 people. Decades of urban unjust also come into play, with houses in black and brown communities, often more densely packed neighborhoods or says nearby warehouse or industrial areas because of zoning practices, the 30-year analyst affordable housing. “If you live near a landfill that has a negative effect on your health.” All these factors are also characterized by a historical mistrust of doctors from many members of the African-American community felt complicated, says Dr. Michael Fauntroy, 54, an associate professor of political science at Howard University, studied African American political behavior. For many, that has its roots in Tuskegee infamous experiment, he says, which began in 1932, when unethical researchers US Public Health Service African American men have said to describe a local term for a number of complaints “Why treated wurden, Böses blood ‘, including syphilis, anemia and fatigue, “according to the CDC. Instead they were examined, such as syphilis consuming, and infected their loved ones long after a cure is found. Lingering suspicions – and the African-American prejudice in the modern meeting on the health care system – has been reluctant to try some people only care. This also means that it can be difficult, bad information is to be removed, says Fauntroy like the voice in the early days of the pandemic that the black-COVID 19 can not take. Professor Howard University recalled the voice heard several times by one of his best students. “I almost lost my mind” Fauntroy recalls, “because it can only be the most illogical thing you think.” Contempt for life in black and white body ‘Bowser Mayor is aware of this story. When it became clear that the DC black community has been hit hard by the COVID-19 are achieved by a familiar voice to fellow African Americans, residents Recruiting DC and former First Lady Michelle Obama to record a one-way message to the residents of the neighborhood of robocall and through social media in mid-April. It did not ask the essential workers to stay at home and explained, where people can get free tests crown. (Spokesman of An Obama says he has also received similar messages to other African great American cities and stations during the pandemic.) The robocall helped push many people to get tested, says Bowser, at the top of the District consists of 10 countries and territories tested in terms of people per capita, according to the director of the district’s legal department Dr. Jenifer Smith. But cases spiking in some of the low income of the city districts were to offer as Bowser’s team was set up pop-up sites free trials for essential workers, people at high risk, or people who think they have been exposed. In the first, the sunny Saturday the 16th of May, a number of masked residents expected by a mobile laboratory near a private school in Brightwood, a Northwest DC neighborhood, which was once the home of a pre-war community free African Americans civil. Today is a cross-section of the black, the Latinx families and Amharic and is four hotels in the area that has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the city. Juan, a plumber, is to take the online test because his boss to the hospital with COVID-19. “I have four children at home,” he says. “I have to make sure that everything is in order.” The economic impact of COVID-19 is in low-income neighborhoods as a brilliant telling people at higher risk of infection DC, employees use health care. Homes that were already tight, are now even more touching crowded with families to live together to save money. “Many people have lost their jobs, and people who do not lose their jobs, lost hours”, says Maria Gomez, RN, President and CEO of Mary Center, the pop-up Testing Center provides services. To save rent, families doubled. “So a crowded family already moved into an apartment in another, which was already overcrowded.” A few blocks away, the main street of the neighborhood, most of the shops are closed, except for a funeral and the chemist shop or occasional liquor. One of the few open shops Elsa’s Ethiopian cuisine, where Yirge Elsa, 45-year-old owner, is working behind the counter. The husband Beniam Belay welcomes riders from Uber, Seamless and GrubHub in an African-pressure luminous face mask to the sound of an Ethiopian games soap opera on a TV wall. He says business since the coup pandemic of 80%. Shortly before COVID-19, the company leased more space to hold up to, tables for up to 40 guests. Well, they do not know how to pay the rent at the end of the month. The restaurant applying for a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the emergency federal program designed to fight for small businesses under arrest for help. “We never in our loan application belongs,” says Elsa. On the question of what they do, who shrugs, a scowl on her face. stimulus measures targeted at small businesses in fighting to save stay-at-home jobs have not led to the minorities the impact that the supporters like to see Crawford and co-author of Qubilah Huddleston search for the DC Fiscal Policy Institute. Only a quarter of the PPP loans could be used for expenses such as rent, while three-quarters of the aid is structured to cover staff salaries. “More than 90% of blacks in national businesses are sole proprietorships with no employees,” says Crawford. Also to combat Community Latinx, according to a Latino Decisions survey that 35% of respondents found a job he lost, he had 29% of a small business that has been or on the edge already gone under, and 43% had problems due rent, but did poorly observed by people in the capital, friends and neighbors, running back to a normal life is not necessarily the answer. in addition to the test site, Carol Lightfoot, 73, and his brother George, 69 AM neighbors directly in line for almost half a mile from the front porch of his 1800-Victorian period house scrub between his salt per day for the members of ‘ black intelligentsia as WEB Du Bois. If Lightfoot may realize that they can be tested for free to string them as brothers to share a variety of serious health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension and asthma. Lightfoot has empathy for people who have lost income during the pandemic, but calls the first of demonstrators that she saw on television to reject the “ridiculous virus” and added that they would probably feel differently, “if it is was a member of their family or friends, came down with it. “When Trump for the reopening, made manifest in the house, press continue to be featured on a handful of DC on lampposts neighborhood. “Coming soon to your city: Trump boxes,” with a picture of President an open casket to say the characters, smiling over. We have seen a photograph of Trump as some districts residents deal with the pandemic, says longtime Washington-based, public radio host Kojo Nnamdi. Many African-Americans here we see the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on their communities as part of a larger pattern of neglect by the administration Trump says. “These are people who are convinced that President Trump does not have the poor and colorful interests at heart. They think that President Trump prefers to err on the side of big business, big banks and the economy.” Nnamdi, now 75, says that the movements in a pandemic for black equality is renewed, and the United States from Guyana inspired him to travel first as a student and soon the Black Panther Party revolutionary mentality. Political analyst Huddleston, 29, agrees. “It reflects only contempt for life in certain communities of the body black and white to say that we know that is decimated and devastated economically, health, etc. But we are still open because the show must go on,” she says. Mayor Bowser sees this crisis as an opportunity to Trump the nation to reach the black community. “If there was ever a place where we could really look at the disproportionate impact on African-Americans, it’s DC, says.” I think Trump gets that this could be a problem that sit for African Americans. I do not know if he knows what the answer is. “Bright, politics are not talking. Juan and the other residents lined up to get are increasingly focused only tested by this crisis, as Clinton on his early rehabilitation morning shift. He must, to live every day to the public to go out and help, but says his privacy, Clinton he plans to stay away from public places for a while ‘. “you have to choose. What is the best? The economy? We need them back together so that people can work, but I assure you, “he says.” And ‘out there. “- with reporting by Chris Wilson Please send tips, leads and stories from front
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