Restaurants in Hong Kong go to great lengths Diners coronavirus protect. That’s what they could to teach the United States

Restaurants in Hong Kong go to great lengths Diners coronavirus protect. That’s what they could to teach the United States

A large sign is in the window in front of Kam Fung Cafe, a small local restaurant on a narrow street in the bustling Wanchai district of Hong Kong “Their temperature you and your mask to take before entering this restaurant” Alte Plexiglas sheets transparent were higher on small booths lining two walls of the restaurant installed. The reception, one of only three or four of the compact Cafe is sacrificed to create a temperature pick-up station. Ms Ho, a restaurant worker says time since the crown pandemic, they sat together on is no longer a foreign state, a common practice among space is limited local restaurants in Hong Kong. It is known in Hong Kong, a city known for its vibrant restaurant scene, still buzzing after restaurants with diners who now appears to be under control crown here. But almost everyone, from the youngest Michelin-star local coffee is from the crown to the guests protected security measures implemented. The measures appear to be working. Hong Kong does not have the end of March have been put in place a cluster of cases related to restaurants crown because the registered security measures. This can be a model for how to work with new restaurants normal in places like the US and Europe, where many companies are just starting to reopen. The trajectory of the Hong Kong crown demonstrates the need for caution when it comes to eating. One of the first large cluster in the city was of restaurants where connected to an end of January family reunion guests share a hot meal a common boiler in the center of a table, meat and round snack vegetable-based fish soup with chopsticks or spoons. At least 13 cases in the city have been linked to this hotpot meal. Hong Kong has lockdowns strict avoided to see the United States and Europe, but different measures of social distancing, since January, has been reported as the first cases of COVID-19 Restaurants remained open throughout the pandemic, although with reduced capacity and restrictions on group size. COVID-19 number of cases in the city fell, and restaurants are now in full swing with groups of up to eight people eat together allows operation allowed. The restaurants are tables from about five meters away from each other, required, or to place a partition between them. Customers are encouraged to wear masks removed when eating or drinking, with a hand sanitizer available. And take patrons temperature is required the restaurant staff before being allowed to eat. Some restaurants are getting creative with the rules. A restaurant in the K11 mall in the bustling Tsim Sha Tsui areas of the city with large images of art works by famous artists such as Monet at separate tables. Some restaurants put more stringent precautions. Association Chianti, a Tuscan steak in Wan Chai, the restaurant staff the narrow walkway designed first with large red dots over a distance of about 5 meters to indicate where guests should be, as they wait for a table. Customers must sign a health declaration forms to anyone days have not traveled outside the city in the last 14 in the city returns to the time period required for the quarantine. On top of the tablecloth red and white checkered table sits on each hand sanitizer, alcohol swabs and an envelope for the guests to hold masks while they eat. Tony Ferreira, director of culinary operations for restaurants Black Sheep Association Chianti running, says once they took some less obvious precautions to avoid such personnel training reception to accompany people to their tables as quickly as possible in a safe amount jams in small reception area. Black Sheep, a restaurant group with 25 restaurants throughout the city, has a “COVID-19 textbook” published that makes their strategy for the protection of its guests and employees of the public crown. After the tour, physical contact, such as five and handshakes were in the restaurants of the group and staff are required to wear masks and banned every 30 minutes to wash their hands. How reopening are cautious in Hong Kong, restaurants in the Asia-Pacific region. In Australia, many states allow open restaurants and cafes to house food, but only 10 visitors are allowed inside at a time. A restaurant in the Australian state of New South Wales, has made cardboard cutouts of human restaurants where real people are not allowed to sit. Frank Angilletta, one of the owners of the restaurant tells TIME started as a joke, but it helps to divide people. “It adds a little ‘atmosphere, a sense of normalcy,” he says. “[People] say they do not feel like they were the only table in it.” In some cities in mainland China customers can only come when a health monitoring apps use many Chinese performances are needed for her is the “green” health. In Taiwan, the restaurants are required to maintain a distance of about five meters between Diner. A cafe in Bangkok, Thailand with the coffee in a box on wheels via a pulley system to limit contact between its bartenders and customers. As customers have responded Restaurant? Restaurateurs say the reaction was mixed on security measures. In Hong Kong, where emotional scars from the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak have sanitation as a people rooted habit took some security measures quickly. Wear a mask in public places has been good form of late January. Ferreira says the Association Chianti that when a guest book a room he calls the restaurant or you go through the process in place has. “So there are no surprises for them, no stress,” he says. Syed Asim Hussain, co-founder of Black Sheep restaurants, told Time that in the first place because some push-back before it was mostly in the form of statement to customer health and temperature control. (The restaurant group implemented many security before they were commissioned by the government.) One evening this year, the restaurants of the group moved away more than 50 potential customers who do not want to meet. “We had a policy of zero compromise,” he says. “It ‘was hard because we in the business of serving our guests. We are in the hospitality industry.” He says that customer attitudes have shifted, and many are now grateful for the measures. But, he adds, with dividers Plexiglas and disinfectant bottles hands visible through its restaurants, it was difficult to create the atmosphere that restaurants Black Sheep are known. “I am very romantic about our restaurants,” says Hussain. “I am very careful about what our places look aesthetically, but all that went out the window.” Deborah, who for Australia but lived in Hong Kong for 10 years, told The time is now using the security measures that restaurants all over the city in the right place, but some things do not feel the same. She says it was “super weird” when she and a group of friends went to celebrate a friend’s birthday dinner and had to sit at separate tables because of restrictions on the number of guests at a table. It makes guests feel more secure? Black Sheep says that the precautions put in place to build trust, have contributed with their customers, giving them the confidence to visit the restaurants of the group. “To see our team members wash their hands before them, use our disinfectant bottles to clean up the tables if we adjust’re tables, they put things probably really thought about the people,” says Ferreira. And Hussain said that the measures they guarded against the disaster of a cluster to their restaurants to none were infected by staff Pecora Nera or guests to have connections at work or eat in restaurants, although two restaurants temporarily closed when the patrons who later tested positive have eaten there. “I think that these protocols have somehow a way to protect us,” he says. To, 32, who often eat in restaurants Black Sheep, testified before a meal to use disinfectant for hard hands and see the staff wearing masks makes me feel a lot safer. food blogger Kelvin Ho their Instagram account EpicurusHongKong became more 46,000 tow says very picky about where we eat in recent weeks. He says that if a restaurant does not seem to strictly follow the safety measures, will not go-he’ll do not eat on a chain saw people entering without masks. “Nitpick I. When [tables] still relatively close to each other … I do not eat there. I tend to find” places with higher ceilings, says. “I went away.” It ‘a workable model? COVID-19 has the restaurant industry has hit Kong in the world, including Hong. World restaurant visits were more than 92% over the previous year, from May 19, according to data published by host based on a sample of 20,000 restaurants on the platform. Hussain said that there were a couple of nights this year as a customer came in a group of restaurants in Hong Kong. The new measures are difficult to restaurants-which many held to the end lines for six months already protests against the government of Hong Kong in 2019 cocoons the occupants at home and scared away tourists. Table space requirements be particularly difficult in Hong Kong, where the rooms are small, often, and rents are among the highest in the world. “Physical Removal is particularly difficult, which means that you can not run the restaurant with optimum returns,” says Hussain. But he says that crown is likely, it can be developed to a vaccine and used, have to make the best of a bad situation: “I think the choice is very clear, and we try to exist in this new framework, or we are not present. We try to make the best of it. it will be a difficult year. “restaurants are changed forever? Hussain says it is preparing its restaurants managed for the long term, some of the new measures, at least. “This notion of things to normal, the not happen,” he says. Hong Kong Food blogger Andrew Tang, 31, hopes will be some permanent changes. “I think that hand sanitizer is a must, now we are the ones he used,” he says. “Spacing is social, disinfection, alcohol swabs, is here to stay, I think it’s part of the new standard to be” – With Hong Kong
: Ferreira Chianti Association says that many of the changes are likely to stick to Copyright Chan images along Hei-SOPA / Rocket Light / Getty images signaling Air Chen