As Maine lobster industry Got Trapped in Trumps trade wars

As Maine lobster industry Got Trapped in Trumps trade wars

Standing on the captain’s bridge Carl, his lobster boat 34 feet reflects Jeff Woodman, like the rocky shores of Spruce Head, Maine, have a first unlikely global online in both tariff wars Minister Donald Trump and US combat crown pandemic. “Lobstering was a family affair. I am the third generation,” says Woodman. “But it will change.” Maine falls famous lobster industry. For years, China was the top buyer of US lobster, which has captured 80% of the state’s coast. But if Beijing for a second round of US tariffs on Chinese goods retaliated, it proposed a 25% tax on the Elite-treat and reduce their tariffs on Canadian catches. As the administration continues with the Trump E.U. fight, even Europe has more to buy from Canada; Ottawa and Belgium have signed three years before a trade agreement that eliminated tariffs on Canadian lobster, while the US catches maintain a tax of 8%. As a result the beginning of this year, compared to the year Maine lobster exports to China and Europe had fallen by about 50% each. The market of Homarus americanus reduced to little more than domestic consumption and a limited number of rich admirers of Singapore, South Korea, United Arab Emirates and Qatar, says Annie Tselikis, the CEO of the Association Maine lobster Flash L. Tselikis “Then comes COVID,” he says. The major US purchasers of Maine lobster – casinos, cruise ships, restaurants, resorts, and corporate campuses – all closed. Lobsters and state women venture out again, but about a third of them received loans almost $15 million in federal protection program paycheck to help them cope with COVID 19-related losses. A sense that matters in Washington. Subscribe to daily direct current, short newsletter. Mainers are not captured in national crises, others used as wars. Despite the long tradition of the Beltway resident status of each summer crowds, America Vacationland has an ambivalent relationship with the federal government. survived policy and developed with good intentions in Washington programs do not always Downeast and a plane full of live lobsters travel, the journey of 10 hours, in a make “cloud Pack” – tail down, up claws – a Spruce Head warehouse Europe. However, the north-eastern state and its lobsters and embattled women have become one of the many focal points in the next elections. keep watching as the Republicans their majority in the Senate, Maine is home to one of the most difficult races in which Republican Senator Susan Collins, with his opponents well funded Sara Gideon, the Democratic speaker of the Maine House closed in a head to head it is representative. With control of the Senate is at stake presidency, one of the least populated states in the nation adopted a disproportionately high political significance. Trump visited the inner city of Bangor on June 5 and has threatened a new tariff on EU cars to beat if Europeans do not immediately eliminate its tariffs on American lobster. On June 24, he ordered the Department of Agriculture, the lobster industry a bailout similar to a prisoner given to farmers in its trade war with China has to offer. So far, the results of these efforts seem decades only validated local Republican skepticism about the federal government responsibility for managing the economy. The representatives of the lobster industry $1.4 billion a year, along with Collins and independent Senator Angus King of Maine, with Democrats in the Caucasus and the two state House representatives, Democrats Chellie Pingree and Jared Gold, which with dependent on the United States met with the Ministry of Agriculture and its Foreign Agricultural service, only to find that the department, not surprisingly, did not know much about lobstering. At one meeting, a Ministry of Agriculture has asked the representatives of a member of the Hummer dealers: ‘Why do not you just focus on China’ Political State found Regierungsbürokrat tutoring that are more familiar with corn as shellfish as they try to understand why they are caught in a battle for poaching of American technology to China. “It ‘s very frustrating to be caught in a trade war on intellectual property,” says Tselikis. “It’s not like the soy industry. We’re kind of in a no man’s land.” Not only Hummer sales plummeted, possession of a lobster business has become more difficult Trumps stepped tariff wars, says Woodman. The burly lobster fisherman says bait and fuel are more expensive, used to navigate Penobscot Bay as digital water thermometer and satellite technology and color display. creels, now made of steel instead of wood, it costs $70 to $90 each, in part thanks to tariffs on Canadian steel Trump says. A new boat, he adds, can cost $100,000. Even if there is a ceasefire in trade wars, lobsters are facing heavy seas front. Over the past 15 years, the course has the other saltwater migration from Maine warmed faster than 99% of the world body, according to a study from the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and lobster in colder waters. The condition of the fleet is aging, access to capital is limited, and wages fall. A “sternman,” the bait and set traps and dragged into it, used to make $30,000 a year, but now account for about $23,000 according to Woodman. paying entry-level jobs in $15 to $17 per hour, says Tselikis. Without newcomers willing to learn in teaching, business and spend many hours on wet slippery decks in cold seas at that salary level, it was difficult to find the crew. asked sometimes his boat Woodman 74-year-old father, and her son seven years crew to help him. The inflow of funds from the PPP-repayable funding has helped some people in the industry. According to the Small Business Administration, some 1,360 Maine lobsters – about one in three – loans of less than $150,000 received, more than workers in other areas of the state. But, as in other sectors, the greatest players will get more federal trough. Four of the largest companies in the country Hummer pulled in $350,000 to $1 million, according to the SBA. Those who do not get the multiple crisis in the industry long enough federal money to learn to adapt. Some, like Woodman, send their catch to processing plants in neighboring New Brunswick, which then sell duty-free in China and Europe and back to customers in the US He and others for frozen lobster on the capital market , usually the tail and claw meat, but now all crustaceans. “Everyone is trying to think outside the box,” says Woodman.
Picture copyright by Wang Ying-Xinhua / Getty Images