This robot Artist Especially the first stage in a solo exhibition was. What does that say about creativity?

This robot Artist Especially the first stage in a solo exhibition was. What does that say about creativity?

in a room with wooden panels at the University of Oxford she has her artwork surrounds sees Ai-Da from their creations. “I want people to know that our times are difficult times,” he says slowly, pauses between sentences. Like many artists who want to promote their work discussion. Yet, unlike other artists, Ai-From tells us, have no conscience, thoughts and feelings with a blank expression and glassy eyes, the occasional flash. At least not yet. Ai-As the creator will invoice them to blur as the first robot artists in the world, and is the latest innovation AI the border between the machine and the artists; a vision of the future are suddenly part of our present. It has a robot arm system and features, with human-like face recognition technology and is driven by artificial intelligence. E ‘, so as to produce able to analyze the image in front of them, which feeds an algorithm to dictate the movement of his arm their sketches. Your goal is creativity. She is currently on display in Oxford where organizers say that the first exhibition in the world to show a work solo artist robot. with academic philosophical definition Margherita level of creativity as something that is new, surprising, and the value, an art dealer and leader of Ai-From Aidan project Meller believes Ai-As the output meets the above criteria. TIME says that each of the robot creations is different every time, even with the same charm and is not reproducible. Developed by a team of engineers to develop robots with human-like features and the use of algorithms by scientists at Oxford University, Ai-From taking pictures in front of them with a camera in his eye developed specialized. then send a series of algorithms commands for its robotic arm and the students hands based in Leeds, UK In-Da is named after Ada Lovelace, first programmer female computer in the world, and the exhibition in Oxford history of intelligence artificial intelligence and robotics has created a tribute. The art in the exhibition includes drawings, paintings and sculptures from his instructions algorithmic facts. Al prism such as paints, Ai-Da is characterized to create an image, such as a bee or a tree. Researchers at Oxford University draw her coordinates on a Cartesian plane design (a graphic representation), and run by a neural network model AI computer system in the human brain. The selection of the neural network and the way in which it reads “create the coordinated design effect dazzling prism, such as neural networks to interpret the very different Cartesian plane for humans. The complex visual output is printed on canvas, where an artist human then paint on a piece of canvas. “the potential for the technology to the human potential for enhanced creativity to expand the horizons range of creative expression and their creative potential as a unit on their own to possess is its fascinating and exciting way, “Aidan says Gomez, a researcher at Oxford work. on display in the exhibition are drawings in pencil by Alan Turing, the famous pioneer of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence, and Karel Capek, the Czech writer who coined the term” robot “as well as abstract paintings, which were created with Ai -From KI response to stimuli an oak tree and a bee. monitor screen around the exhibition of Ai-from reciting poems, the sc Rittore imprisoned in the 20th century was created by reorganizing the work to explore the pain and suffering of captivity, such as Oscar Wilde and Fyodor Dostoevsky. There is something in their interpretations of their grueling reinterpreted works, speak their hesitant voice on behalf of the imprisoned. “We see this spectacle to the question as the beginning of the journey to the use and abuse of AI and machine learning,” said Meller, who has over 20 years of experience in the art world. “No doubt, artificial intelligence will be the big issue of 2020, and that concerns us a lot. The 20th century shows that if we hold technological development, small groups of people with devastating effects that come from.” Ai-Da is not the first artificial intelligence to the creation of art products. Last year, Christie’s New York auction work AI-generated in the first sale at a major auction house of its kind, and has grown since 2006, the British computer scientist Simon Colton software for creative graphics turn digital photos into works of art. But Ai-As man-like appearance brings something fascinating and a little ‘fear on the field. “Through this project, I noticed how robots we as humans are,” said Meller. “Ai-Since this phenomenon is because they can not be classified; it’s not just one thing, which is varied. As a result, we have created many works that are of her and her nature.” Many of us have long been and fascinated by the transitions between the possible combinations of man and machine. Recent examples include the exploration of Yuval Harari of Biotechnology of the impact on people in Deus Homo :. “Most human-like robots in the world” A Brief History of the Future, and the feeling viral Sophia, called “What’s intriguing [Ai-Da] is that people get into a very impressed robot that looks human” Marcus du Sautoy, professor of mathematics at Oxford University and author of the book says the Creativity code: as aI is learning to write, paint and thinking. In fact, a To-From art critic appeared lips and eyes so badly beaten that he did not complain of being able to write his phone number on the hand of the metallic robots. The fascination with Ai-As the appearance may be somewhat distracted from the substance and the ability of their art. “In fact, in recent decades there have been examples of great algorithmic art was that it is not a human robot to get the request” du Sautoy points. You Sautoy as Ai-As the Creator, is optimistic about the combination of artificial intelligence and creativity, especially if the added value and is surprising because ground definition suggests. “Machine learning everything unique about collecting data ownership is present, and to be able to take advantage of that to produce more, or to take things in a new direction,” he says. “The challenge is not to create things that are more of the same. The most impressive cases of AI that insist on, as people in the new.” As an example of artificial intelligence that pushes the human limits of creativity and help us discover new things, you mentioned the Continuator Sautoy, a musical instrument to address training for users. , In 2012, the French jazz musician Bernard Lubat improvised with the Continuator, who was trained in his style of music, so that the public will not be able to tell the difference between the machine and the musicians. “The most fascinating that Lubak said when he improvised with artificial intelligence, he did things he had not thought to do with his musical sound, and prompted him to develop ideas that would have taken years to develop, “says du Sautoy. However, the rapid innovation in this area can come with malice. It uses an algorithm Sautoy 350 words to write his book, material that says no one, including its editor, was still identify as computer generated. The fact that the AI ​​from human-generated prose text may one day indistinguishable is to abuse the technology. But I Sautoy says it’s a long way, as AI is the difficulty associated with long-term patterns in the writing of the text and the language. Other deficiencies are the hidden biases that can creep into algorithms such as racial prejudice. In other words, as I pointed out machine learning Sautoy can, to be creative, but could perhaps learn from incorrect or partial data. “There is a potential for artificial intelligence to help us create a new kind of art. It ‘s so exciting, as if the camera was,” says du Sautoy. In fact, the photographers were seen as the inventor and pioneer of bulky mechanical process used for recordings in the late 19th century in advance. This is a nice contrast to today, as technological developments have allowed photographers to see as an artist in her own right. “I will one day AI consciously thinking Ultimately, and really looks good AI art when intentionality comes from the computer and has a need to tell us how you feel inside.” Ai-As the creator hopes that this exhibition is just the beginning, and then you want to create their own paintings in the style of painting and works of art that people can not be completed canvas work physically very complex and detailed. And as for Ai-As; He quoted them Yoko Ono, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley as their inspiration. “If we learn from the things of the past,” he says, tilting her head and her line of sight is set, “maybe we can make our future a little ‘brighter.”
Image copyright Nicky Johnston