World is deeply divided on objectives related to climate change, Crucial 12 months

World is deeply divided on objectives related to climate change, Crucial 12 months

If it is to avoid the worst of climate change “it is not the point of no return is more on the horizon,” General Antonio Guterres warned on Sunday the United Nations on the eve of the decisive round of intergovernmental negotiations at the summit on the annual UN climate . Representatives from more than 200 countries gathered in Madrid for the COP25, where they try to make important agreements on international climate protection measures. A challenge is the variance wild in the impact of their national targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. A growing number of large economies, including Spain, France and the UK, have pledged to achieve by 2050. Several countries zero net emissions have previously stated objectives; Finland is committed to achieving by 2035 zero net, and Sweden has set its goal for 2045. Other countries, including some major economic powers such as Russia, no firm commitments were not cut emissions. The Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC) says that global emissions need to fall by 50% by 2030, the increase in average global temperature below 1.5 ° C above pre-industrial levels to keep. 184 The 2015 Paris Agreement signatories have obliged to keep global average temperature increase “significantly below” 2 ° C. The effects of climate change, including heat waves, droughts, floods and storms, increasingly catastrophic extreme with each small increase in the average temperature expected. In November, a group of former IPCC authors with Universal Ecological Fund, the work-D. C. nonprofit founded, examined the current greenhouse gas reduction commitments of 184 countries. They found that nearly three-quarters were not severe enough to maintain effectively the increase in global average temperature of less than 1.5 ° C. One of the main goals of COP25 is to strengthen the commitments of the less developed countries . “At crucial 12 months to come, it is important that we ambitious obligations before national safeguard especially starting from the largest emitters of greenhouse gas emissions immediately emissions at a steady pace to reach climate neutrality to reduce by 2050 , “Guterres said at a pre-summit event, delegates at the conference will try to complete outstanding elements of the Paris Agreement. Include these rules to reduce emissions in other countries paid their skills Nations, off-set carbon emissions rules, and how to fund compensation for countries affected by severe climate change impacts. The following year, it was done with these rules, it will look to higher countries and more ambitious international targets agreed as in Paris in 2015 to negotiate Since most countries are trying to meet their existing commitments on emissions and improve, though, is the US price on his own renege. President Donald Trump argued that the terms of the Paris Agreement cause unjust harm to the US economy, and last month a 4 November 2020 process would lead one day after the presidential elections of 2020 in the country from the Agreement Paris. Democrats have pledged to cancel this retreat if their candidate wins the election. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has traveled with a delegation of Democratic lawmakers to COP25. “Through here we want to tell everyone that we are still in the United States are still on,” he said Pelosi told reporters on Monday there.

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