NASA May, found the planet Goldilocks Goldilocks planet: TOI 700 d

NASA May, found the planet Goldilocks Goldilocks planet: TOI 700 d

If you ask astronomers as many planets in the life of the universe port probably they say there are only two possible answers: one or infinite. We can reset extremely vital to exclude the ground thanks to, which is, as regards the answer. But if you find another, the answer just two jumps and infinity. The reason: It is possible to postulate a universe where the confluence of factors that makes life here is so complex that the proper role of the dice could happen statistically only once. But it can happen more than once, why should there be a limit? (Actually, something could be so rare in nature that happens two or three times, but the general idea zero-one-infinity origin with theologians liked to discuss atheism, monotheism and polytheism endless and planetary scientists only his way, arguing that their own.) people have always hoped for eternity, because it would be a terribly lonely universe if we are the only planet with its light on the porch. (Planets orbiting around other stars), and with the recent explosion in the discovery of extrasolar planets, astronomers believe that virtually every star in the Milky Way least one planet is orbited. might exist in our galaxy of 250 billion stars and 100 billion other galaxies out there trillion of trillions of living places prosper. Finding these worlds, astronomers focus their energy on Earth-like, rocky planet with the atmosphere, water and an orbit that places them in the so-called habitable zone, where temperatures are right for liquid water, last week, NASA announced a jackpot: a world similar to Earth in the habitable zone of a host star, 100 light years from here. The star is known as TOI TOI 700 and the planet is 700 D, the outermost of a litter of three planets. TOI 700 is a red dwarf, a class of stars smaller and cooler than our Sun, who were for the maintenance of life on the first thought of as poor candidates because of their relatively low temperature. But the fact is, as long as the planets orbit close enough to the star stove, have a lot of light and heat and TOI 700 D of the case. It ‘was the transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), who discovered the star, and the Spitzer Space Telescope, which has taken its ecological and chemical measures. Tess used to search for a star of four telescopes aboard for the slight dimming light when an orbiting planet passes in front of him. Spitzer make his observations mainly in the infrared spectrum, which can provide a lot of data on the composition and chemistry of a new heat indicator. TOI 700 planets orbit each other not cook too close to the fire of the star for the water away. But TOI 700 D, which is about 20% larger than Earth, orbits its sun at a distance of 15 million miles, which is much closer than the Earth 93 million miles from the sun, but the temperature low of a red dwarf planet since 86% of the star turns round heat of the earth is the case. Computer models for the conditions to TOI on the planet based on the point D 700 is closed tide, which is keeping the same face the sun all the time on. But atmosphere could still help distribute heat to the dark side and temperatures would certainly be comfortable in the border regions between light and shadow. In one model, the watery planet with an atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide similar to the old Mars before it lost its atmosphere and water. In another, the planet is dry and cloudless. Overall, the researchers modeled 20 different versions of TOI 700 d, each or nothing could be right thereof. The very abundance of choices is a statement that is our imagination and our ignorance do not gather the data we need more than a dozen and a half versions plausible of these planets, but not to say enough data if any, is correct . And that the possible existence of life there? We can not imagine again. But the exoplanet science is a new game. E ‘was only in 1992 that the first extrasolar planet was discovered. At this point, he does not even through the phase training wheels passes to study them. When TOI D 700 something, even if it demonstrates that it can be extraordinary worlds potential in an extraordinary number. If you are a person trying to bet that astronomers wonder answer multiple choice, you should put your money indefinitely. A version of this article was originally published in time newsletters space. Click here to register for these stories to get there early.

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