Italy seems to be flattening of the curve. What has the country Do Right?

Italy seems to be flattening of the curve. What has the country Do Right?

The growth rate of total COVID-19 cases in Italy from March 8 was slowed to shrink after the Italian Department of Civil Protection and in recent days, the all-new cases per day finally begun Italy, suggesting the curve flattens ‘, which means that slow the spread of the virus. Italy was the first country to witness a widespread outbreak of the crown in Europe, which, as infected about 960,000 people around the world on the morning of April 2. Italy currently has the second highest number of confirmed cases worldwide, with about 110,000 has only the United States and Italy behind the most COVID-19 deaths can be seen from every country lost more than 13,000 Italians the their lives of the virus. Since March 9, Italy 60 million people have been put on the block. The latest data indicate-the fact that the rate of transmission of infection in Italy in decline-are promising. But some public health experts in Italy are reluctant to celebrate. “Yes, we have flattened the curve, we see hope, a little ‘light,” says Lorenzo Casani, medical director of a hospital for the elderly in the Lombardy region of northern Italy. “But the tunnel is very, very long.” E ‘Italy actually flattening of the curve? Observation from various sources all indicate that Italy has flattened the curve. the percentage increase of the total number of cases to be “Die, magische Zahl’überwacht than the previous day. [If] reaches 0%, there are no new cases,” explains Nino Cartabellotta, President of GIMBE Foundation, an organization research and Italian health training. National data indicate that from March 31 to 1 April Italy only 4.5% saw a much better shape than, for example, shows an increase of 12.6% of the total number of cases of elevated percent of the total cases between March 16 and 17 public health experts have been anticipating that Italy is a decrease in the number of new cases in late March and early April tools, set as a result of blocking measures a few weeks first into force. “It ‘s important to have some proof that what we do is effective,” says Flavia Riccardo, a researcher in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Italian National Institute of Health. “Lockdown is an action very hard, especially on this scale in relation to the social and economic impact it has.” However, experts are not yet ready to celebrate public health. “We have to be very careful with our optimism,” said Casani. “We should not be raised by these numbers.” While official data indicate a decline in the number of new cases reported, this number is not taken into account those who COVID-19 are positive, but not tested. The number of people with minor illnesses or non-symptomatic is “huge,” says Casani. Massimo Galli, head of infectious diseases at Sacco Hospital, Milan, notes that the number of cases could be slightly higher, but remain undetected. “I’m not sure that really in reducing virus,” said Galli. “It ‘s extremely difficult to predict disease progression, the curve and the legendary peak of the epidemic in these conditions.” However, it adds that the data should still be celebrated, as it entails a reduction in pressure on hospitals already seeking a reduction in the number of patients, their services to the heavy crown infections views. It is updated here with our daily newsletter crown. How did it take? According to the Italian Department of Civil Protection it took between three and four weeks for the curve to flatten. Between 6 and 7 March, Italy has seen an increase of 26.9% in total cases, but it can as this number will gradually decrease in recent weeks. How much time will be available for protective measures? The Italian government is currently planning to extend the blockade until April 13, but extends far beyond. “We’re not planning for a relaxation of yet,” said Prime Minister block Giuseppe Conte in a televised speech on April 1, experts say that the decrease in the number of new cases should not be repealed average protection measures. “For Italy, the idea of ​​companies making up in the coming weeks to open again, just crazy,” says Cartabellotta, noting that the final decision varies lift block on the region. Casani true. “Draconian measures are still needed,” he says. “And ‘the only way to avoid a disaster.” They can other countries learn from Italy? Experts say other countries to Italy to learn from mistakes and their successes. The Italian Experience COVID-19 stressed the importance of early intervention in countries that have experienced significant epidemic, experts say. was discovered in the first case only on 20 February, the virus across the country for two or three weeks has been spreading undetected was reported before the first case, hampered early health measures that might have mitigated the spread of the virus . Some say that even once discovered, the Italian authorities were too slow to implement blocking measures affected for fear of an already fragile economy. “The Italian experience shows that other countries can not underestimate the problem and need to learn from our mistakes,” says Cartabellotta. can, but experts say there is also a lot of the world learn from what Italy has done well. The decline in the number of new cases reported mostly implemented by the Italian government because of intense action Lockdown, which turns off most of the operations, as well as the production of non-essential and has restricted all unnecessary movement around the country. Cartabellotta says that reduces these measures have “delays the transmission of the virus, the peak of the epidemic, its size and spread of cases reduced to allow the health system over a longer period to prepare adequately and to manage symptomatic cases . ” While Italy was slow to detect the virus, Riccardo says the government relatively rapid movement once the virus was discovered. “Italy has a very aggressive policy in terms of the contact tracing and investigation and measures to increase the increased demand in terms of care to prepare,” he says. While rates vary from region to region tests, Italy, on the whole than in other EU countries conducted further tests. Casani, a medical director of a hospital, he said, along with other doctors the importance of treating COVID-19 recognized at an early stage. The first phase of the virus, which is the onset of flu-like symptoms, it is an important moment for intervention. As the disease progresses, patients may experience a hyper-inflammatory response that requires intensive care. Casani says that for countries to avoid unnecessary suffering and overloading their health systems, medical intervention is required before the progress of the disease. Beyond what Italy has done right and wrong, says Riccardo Italy outbreak and its shows higher than average mortality rate in the world how dangerous the virus can be. “In late February, the world looked at us and says, this may not be possible, it is something to be with the Italian health system was wrong,” says Richard. But now that countries are facing in the world their outbreaks “know that we look for in a pathogen that is quite capable of spreading and serious illness and death.” Please send any suggestions Leads and [email protected] stories.

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