We need to side with Crude nationalism When we learn the truth about COVID-19 origins – and stop the next pandemic

We need to side with Crude nationalism When we learn the truth about COVID-19 origins – and stop the next pandemic

How do we get the handle with the vastness of the 19-COVID the destructive effect is to establish a legitimate request and finally irresistible to the world of facts, as this catastrophe came. This includes three series of deeply uncomfortable questions. First, China fulfilled its international legal obligations under the International Health Regulations immediate, full and transparent consultation WHO Health Organization (WHO), and has taken all the necessary national measures of the virus’ spread? Second, the WHO provides Member States with the first and the most complete possible advice on the nature and extent of the unfolding threat? And finally, the Member States take early and effective action the virus contained within its domestic law? If our goal is to get the truth, so that we are properly equipped for the business future pandemics (including the second wave effect from the latest virus or a mutation of it) we have no effective investigation with all three questions . Otherwise, they will simply degenerate into a primitive nationalist and geopolitical movement, while long-suffering peoples in the world are still left defenseless. The proposal of the Australian government, on April 19 for an “independent global study” into the origins of COVID-19 seems reasonable in principle, despite serious questions about the Canberra strategy to get there. China responded with maximum aggression, using his now famous diplomacy “Wolf Warrior”. Chinese Ambassador threatened economic reprisals directed against Australian exports of services Agriculture, education and tourism. There is a significant risk; China is taking by far the largest trading partner, 38% of total Australian exports. The Australian call is made in the broader context of the growing recriminations between Washington and Beijing on the origin of the virus. First, there is China’s statement unfounded and incredible that the virus with the US military came. This was followed by US President Donald Trump and the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo peddle their favorite theory that the virus escape from a laboratory Wuhan. They were supported by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation on Fox News in America and his colleagues of the extreme right in the print media and Australian television. However, the “Chinese work” is now publicly contested claim not only from the national US intelligence, but also of America Five Eyes intelligence partners, including Australia. All this underlines the need, on the basis of what has actually taken place. Australia is not alone in calling for an investigation. The Swedish government has indicated that it will increase a request similar to the European Commission in Brussels. Berlin has actually always careful Angela Merkel supports their request, the Minister for International Development for a request. And now the new president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen also expressed support. The problem with the Australian proposal is that it seems to have been put together on the run after the prime minister Scott Morrison snapped what was needed was the equivalent of WHO “inspectors” of the United Nations with the outbreak of diseases in for the future . It ‘been curious Morrison declared hostilities are given to international organizations powers at the expense of national sovereignty. Morrison thought bubble lifted directly from the right commentariat-American political rhetoric something designed to look like a serious public policy proposal, the government has weighed in and increases. Unfortunately, this seems to have been all put together in a hurry, no details on how such an investigation could be carried out, not to mention the diplomacy required to make a formal coalition building to promote such an initiative. Then there is the critical issue of how to actually might be possible to get Beijing to cooperate, it will be essential to a substantial achievement, as opposed to mere political positioning. So how could such a study carried out? Of course, the WHO itself has investigatory powers, but in the early stages of the crisis, there is also the real part of the problem to allow the attacks to his impartiality “Caesar judging Caesar.” Various international legal action has already been initiated against China launched but is likely to challenge China’s right to fall “sovereign immunity.” The Council of the United Nations Security is another way. That would draw a veto from Beijing, and probably could well support Russia that 2009 H1N1 pandemic, which claims 240,000 deaths do not cause an international independent investigation Mexico, the country of origin. So why now? That leaves the United Nations General Assembly, perhaps a resolution than the reference along the lines suggested above tripartite agreement pushing the Secretary-General of the United Nations to convene a group examination at a high level. This could also be done with the Chinese co-sponsors. Alternatively, the Secretary-General, in order could give such an investigation on its own initiative. It could be made up of Chinese and other members (although it may be all scientists). These could also be appointed by the Secretary General, who was also the chair. Sooner or later the international community will answer these questions need to come clean. And once really well it flattened and the global curve in the pandemic, the United Nations should step into the breach. Finally, this is why we invented in the first place. The alternative is stagnation, crisis or worse.
Picture copyright by Michael Masters Getty Images

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