President Trump Tulsa Rally highlights its racial division record

President Trump Tulsa Rally highlights its racial division record

After months of President Trump campaign is going once again brings his re-election bid on Saturday night in front of a raucous crowd. registered more than 800,000 supporters for tickets, according to his campaign manager. Many of them have been kept out of the arena for days. But long before their arrival, the rally was shrouded in controversy because of the time and place. It ‘something to cram 19,000 people in an indoor arena in the middle of a pandemic, without the use of masks sent. It ‘s another to plan the event for June 19 used a date of late emancipation of American slaves to commemorate, and a location seven blocks from the site of the infamous 1921 massacre in Tulsa race, Oklahoma to pick up. If whites supported rioters looted from Tulsa police and the Oklahoma National Guard, and burned more than 1,200 black homes and businesses, about 300 people were killed. In the middle of a national account of the systemic racism. Trump campaign selected one of the most controversial places and dates that could have chosen. At best, the rally in Tulsa keep proving once again the massive blind spot Trump and his helper when it comes to race in America. At worst, it was a deliberate provocation by a campaign and a candidate who seems to push raw nerves of the nation’s deepening racial segregation and shall last for a matter of strategy. Tulsa was chosen because it is in “the heart of America,” and “there is no better place” is to restart the rally said Michael Glassner, chief operating officer of Trump campaign. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that the rally has pushed back the next day, after a secret service agent Black explains the importance of Juneteenth holiday him. Trump told the Journal that he “did something good” and did Juneteenth “very famous”. “No one had ever heard,” the president of the United States, said a holiday in 47 states and the District of Columbia recognized. How widespread protests against police brutality and systemic racism pushed into a fourth week across the country, Trump response has reduced the depth of the racial heritage of the country and urgently calls added to wider national law. Sixty percent of white Americans and 82% of blacks Americans think Trump the most divided country, according to a survey released Wednesday by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs has made research. The percentage of white Americans who disagree with the management of Trump of race relations has increased from 55% in 2019 to 62% in 2020, the survey found. Optimism among Republicans is down. This month, the poll found 63% of Republicans thought the country was headed in the wrong direction, compared with 42% in May. And polls Trump plummeted further. But while many allies that causes its bad reelection prospects, lighting the President of racial segregation. In recent days, Trump has pushed down an army official suggested the names Confederate ten US military bases stripping to write on Twitter that his government “will not even consider” to rename it. In a week in which a policeman in Atlanta a black man has been charged over a confrontation with the recording and multiple locations moved chokeholds Ban and records open police disciplinary oversight, said host Trump Fox News Sean Hannity that agents police “under siege” and have “not been treated fairly in our country.” Trump campaign defended his record on race and said he was responsible for low unemployment among American blacks before COVID 19-pandemic increase funding for historically blacks colleges and universities and the signing of penal reform measures in force in September Trump said that “a track record for building American blacks” senior campaign adviser Katrina Pierson in a statement. “When the party of Lincoln, the Republicans are proud of the history of Juneteenth, which is the anniversary of the final reading of the Emancipation Proclamation,” said Pierson. Many protesters in recent weeks on the road, say Trump instincts gap still widespread racist tendencies exhibited in America. Levi Berlin, 23, a lifestyle and fashion photographer, several protests in Washington, distributing snacks and water has visited. Trump “made people like me and millions of other people in other countries who went out and protested to have a reason to go there and fight for the change, because I see it now,” says Berlin systemic racism. “It is not just a myth. It’s not just, ‘Oh, we just paranoid.’ We know for sure. It’s here. It ‘in our office. We run our country. ”
copyright Image of Ruddy Roye for TIME