He wants Nancy Pelosi says the police unions of the conversation is over police reform

He wants Nancy Pelosi says the police unions of the conversation is over police reform

When asked during a period of 100 interviews for discussion on Thursday if they need to be police unions “held back”, spokesman for the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi he does not think said, and added that she believes “know the unions there are some things that do not change and want to be part of this conversation. ” Supporters say police unions main obstacles have created over the years to reform, a dynamic that review, the US has swept as a protest against police brutality and systemic racism as murder George Floyd on May 25, pressure the AFL-CIO has dealt mounted – the largest association of trade unions in the United States – to lead police unions from the organization. But when asked corresponding national political TIME Molly Ball believes if the police unions are “part of the problem”, and if “to do to curb needs,” Pelosi said she did not agree, he announced that he would call a current head of a police union had their point of view, “has been very constructive on follow-on Justice Act in the police.” Congressional Democrats unveil the Police Judiciary Law on Monday, a comprehensive legislative proposal that would ban the use of chokeholds create a national registry of police bad conduct, less charges of police misconduct to law and prohibit no-knock warrants, among other reforms. “Public opinion is very clear,” said Pelosi. “While I understand the need for public safety … we have injustice and abuse of power by the police.” She added that she thinks that this time is different from previous calls for reform before because it was “more generally accepted.” Pelosi also said she hopes the GOP will support house reform efforts because they feel the power of the public demand for change. “If our Republican colleagues are ignoring it, is at your own risk,” he said. Asked if supported departments Stopping the funding of police, Pelosi said that Democrats “go beyond” the capital required in Policing law, but does not expressly mention the cessation of funding police. He called for the reauthorization of the law on violence against women and a national initiative of mental health, mental illness plays the role of the judiciary to change. “We need to do more resources, we need to do,” he said, adding that racial injustice affects many areas of the country, including housing, education and the health system. Pelosi said ball, which she does not regret voting for 1994 Crime Bill “at all”, despite criticism from many supporters that the bill in the United States intensified mass incarceration. Pelosi said the passage of the law on violence against women, which was added to the bill and the law Brady, who federal background checks the acquisition of firearms on commission as their logical thinking. Pelosi also discussed the country’s former Vice President Joe Biden for president and to choose a woman as his running mate, who said that his decision was “absolutely fantastic”. Asked if she believes that Biden should be a woman of color Select Pelosi said Biden has a good selection of “candidates across the board.” He added that they are “unsure of the direction we can go … And I know his decision, so I would not even think to make a proposal. “” It ‘s very exciting. It’ historic, “said he shared the election that had been the Committee for the democratic convention in 1984, the president of the host country appointed Rep. Geraldine Ferraro to be vice president Walter Mondale, the first woman on a major party presidential ticket ever. “It ‘was like something we’ve never seen before. It’ was thunderous, the answer,” he thought. “While people were excited about this. And that was a long time ago” This article is part of # TIME100Talks. Finding Hope, to promote a special classification leader best in different areas with the action of a world. I want more? Register for access to multiple virtual events, including live interviews with newsmakers influential.
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