Malian president resigns after armed mutiny by soldiers

Malian president resigns after armed mutiny by soldiers

(Bamako, Mali) – Malian President announced his resignation late Tuesday, just hours after armed soldiers seized from his home in a dramatic seizure of power demand after months of his anti-government protests ouster. The news of the departure of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was true with cheers of anti-government protesters and alarm for the former colonial power France and other allies and other nations. Speaking shortly national broadcaster ORTM before midnight, she worried a Keita, a mask between COVID-19 contributes pandemic said his resignation – because of three years before his last term of office was over – takes effect immediately. A banner at the bottom of the TV screen he defined as “the outgoing president.” “I do not want blood to be shed to keep me in power,” said Keita. “I decided to resign.” He also announced that his government and the National Assembly would be dissolved, the country ferment in the middle of promoting an Islamic insurgency eight years and the growing pandemic Crown. Keita, democratically elected in 2013, and five years later was re-elected only a few options after mutinous soldiers seized weapons from the armory in the garrison town of Kati and then advanced toward the capital, Bamako. They took the prime minister Boubou Cisse in custody together with the chairman. There was no immediate comment Wednesday from troops who came from the same barracks, where a coup more than eight years has been launched so that Islamic insurgents to take hold amid a power vacuum. The political upheaval took place months after the contested parliamentary elections. And it came as support for Keita fell amid criticism of his government’s handling of the uprising that swept praised a country once as a model of democracy in the region. The military has taken a beating last year to the Islamic State and groups of al-Qaeda-linked. A wave of deadly attacks particularly in the north in 2019 prompted the government its weakest outposts as part of a reorganization to near target for curb losses. Tuesday developments have been condemned by the African Union, the United States and the regional bloc known as ECOWAS, that Mali had tried to mediate the political crisis. Brought former colonizer France and the United Nations, which has maintained a peacekeeping mission in Mali in 2013, expressed alarm before Keita speech. Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres tried “the immediate restoration of constitutional order and the rule of law,” said spokesman Stephane Dujarric the UN. But the news of the detention of Keita was met with celebration in the capital of anti-government protesters who first took to the streets to demand in June that the president step down. “All the people of Mali are tired – we have had enough,” said one of the protesters. The detention was from a field of more than two candidates dozen was the first democratic election post-coup Mali was in a landslide with over 77% of the vote to win a dramatic change of fortune for Keita, who seven years earlier . regional ECOWAS mediators, however, has had in recent weeks has been able to break the deadlock between the government and opposition leaders Keita, creating mounting anxiety of another military out of power. Then on Tuesday, soldiers in Kati took the weapons from the armory at the barracks and senior officers detained. Anti-government protesters have fired immediately the actions of soldiers and some birth to a building owned by the Minister of Justice in the capital of Mali. Cisse has called to lay down their weapons to the soldiers. “There is no problem that can not be found through dialogue,” he said in a statement. But the wheels were already in motion – Gunmen began to Bamako in custody, including the finance minister, Abdoulaye Daffe. Keita, who tried to meet protesters demands on a number of concessions, has enjoyed broad support from France and other Western allies. It also has to have broad support among the high-ranking military believed, highlights a rift between the army leadership and ranks of soldiers and unpredictable file. Tuesday marked a repetition of the events of the result 2012 coup that unleashed years of chaos in Mali, when the power vacuum that followed allowed Islamist extremists to take control of the northern city. Finally, a French led military operation ousted the jihadists, but simply reorganized and expanded their reach, while Keita presidency in Mali. Keita can mirror political ruin to that of his predecessor, Amadou Toumani TourĂ© was forced after a series of punishing military defeats in 2012 from the presidency. At that time the attacks were carried out by separatist rebels of the Tuareg ethnic group. This time the Malian military has the power to stop extremists connected to al-Qaeda and sometimes seems. Already in 2012, the mutiny broke out military camp Kati as a rank-and-file soldiers began rioting and then broke into the room of the camp weapons. The weapons, they then ran for the seat of government under the leadership of captain. Amadou Haya Sanogo fee. Sanogo was then forced to hand over power to a civilian transitional government, which then won elections organized Keita. Ombudsman this time Keita forced to share power in a unity government. He also said he was open to remake the disputed parliamentary elections. But these openings were quickly rejected by opposition leaders who said they would not stop Keita fall. ___ Larson reported from Dakar, Senegal. Associated Press Writer Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.
Photo copyright John Kalapo-Getty Images

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