Most nursing home workers in New poll says, life is in danger ‘every day from Crown

Most nursing home workers in New poll says, life is in danger ‘every day from Crown

More than three months has been to a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington., The center of the first outbreak crown in the country, believes that the majority of nursing home workers on the job their life at risk and that their employers do not do enough to protect them from the virus, new to an association survey. Most of the nursing home workers say their employer (76%) and the federal government (80%) are not doing enough to ensure they have access to protective equipment, COVID-19 free tests and days paid sick. And 78% say that their “lives are in danger every day,” because the virus in the workplace, according to a survey by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which was shared over time. This continued as the devastating pandemics such as nursing homes and some states are beginning to see cases COVID-19 an increase in how reopen. And ‘from June 40 it was in long-term care facilities for more than 43,000 deaths Corona 4, according to data from the Kaiser Family Foundation – crown, where almost 40% of deaths in the country. have the workers of the nursing home that have long been challenges with low wages, hazards in the workplace and the lack of staff, said on the front vorderster feeling unprotected and disrespected while caring for people who COVID- 19 of the most vulnerable. His most important assets, since the pandemic swept the country risk is the money, sick time and personal protective equipment (PPE). nursing home residents and their families have also raised concerns about how the institutions have responded to the pandemic. “The worst thing you get excited about is the hero word to hear the hero, the hero is thrown around for us. And no one to treat it as such. We feel disrespectful,” Tanya Beckford, a certified nursing assistant (CNA) in a nursing home in Newington, Conn., TIME treated before, he says. She says she had asked before positive COVID-19 in April. Their investment for more masks, gloves and gowns The nursing home refused requests Beckford. In May, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Nursing Homes cases requires the Crown to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report began, and for the residents and their families. At the same time, the White House recommended that nursing homes to test every resident and staff to COVID-19, but said that the government and the industry leader, did not have the resources to do it – not enough evidence are people for their management. It is updated here with our daily newsletter crown. In the survey SEIU 54% of respondents said that when they DPI confident enough to do their job and clear communication from their employer about suspected cases had received at their facility COVID-19 And 69% of respondents said that effective training received on itself and protect its inhabitants from COVID-19 SEIU President Mary Kay Henry he says that if only about half of nursing home workers have enough dPI: “i think the reason to be alarmed.” “This is a tragedy,” says Henry TIME. “We will never get this virus under control, if we do not get to the front considerably DPI workers as workers of the nursing home.” Workers Nursing Home, the COVID-19 contract have been forced to use the holiday to take unpaid leave or sick time or time as they recover from the virus. Some workers have lost their jobs. Sixty-four percent of working their employers surveyed workers did not provide you with days of paid disease when infected with the virus, and 72% said that their sick time employers are not paid reached if they have self-quarantine for two weeks. Meanwhile, the pandemic has exacerbated existing problems of long-term care workers. The median wage for nursing assistants was $29,640 last year, which for a family of four only through the national poverty line. The said trouble paying for food or lodging, when for two weeks, and 73% say there is not enough staff to their function can not work to have safe care for all residents majority of workers (85%) according to the SEIU investigation. Henry says that she gets to act to immediately get the PPE and tests for workers in America and nursing homes, and then focus to solve long-term problems in the sector by increasing wages and “do the job well that people feed their families. “” it ‘a scandal that feel far into the pandemic, 80% of workers at risk of nursing home, in our view, their life is every day going to work, “says Henry. “We want every employer to be held responsible, so we assume that the cycle of poverty can end up in our communities and ensure that residents and their families receive the care they deserve.” The SEIU survey of 2,397 workers in the US was conducted online from May 20 to June 7 run using Wufoo SurveyMonkey. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
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