The Crown Originally bats and can infect cats, scientists say

The Crown Originally bats and can infect cats, scientists say

A World Health Organization scientists said Covid-19 comes from bats and cats and ferrets infected, but requires further research on animal suspected link to the disease. The new coronavirus is from a group of viruses that originate in bats or diffusion, and it is not yet clear which animals to humans, the disease has moved, Peter Ben Embarek, a WHO expert in animal diseases that jump to the people said Friday at a briefing with reporters. The virus probably in humans through contact with the animals come for the food supply increases, although scientists to determine what kind yet, he said. Studies have shown that cats and ferrets are prone to Covid-19, and dogs, to a lesser extent, he said, adding that it is important to find out, get what animals can be a another “reservoir” species to avoid creating . Questions about the origin of COV2 SARS, the virus that caused the pandemic, burned hot since the President of the United States Donald Trump suggested that it came from a laboratory in China. Scientists who have studied the problem say that the origin of the virus in an animal, and probably the human population registered in November. The first human cases were detected in and around Wuhan, and most people have contact with the animal market, though not all, Ben Embarek said. WHO should spend more time to examine the animal origin of the virus he said in a previous mission in China, Ben Embarek. The Wuhan block, the region in central China, where the pandemic has emerged that made it impractical, he said. Trump has focused on claims doubled down the Chinese released by mistake the virus from the laboratory, as the epidemic in the United States has become the largest and most deadly in the world are grown. Chinese officials have said the United States we have no evidence to back up these claims and accusations called a fault.