He knows the United States can learn from countries where police officers do not carry guns

He knows the United States can learn from countries where police officers do not carry guns

Last year, a gunman in Oslo, Norway stolen ambulance, wounded four and shots of fire as it goes. Police officers chasing the vehicle fired their weapons, but not him. Instead, they shot the wheels of the ambulance to slow the vehicle and arrested the gunman. “The police in Norway are meeting very dangerous situations, though less frequently than American police,” said Paul Hirsch Field, a professor of sociology at Rutgers University who focuses on police. “But if they reach in danger, they are far withheld lethal force.” Norway is one of 19 countries around the world where usually police officers are unarmed, and allows guns to be used only in exceptional cases. These countries, including the United Kingdom, Finland and Iceland rarely fatal accidents the police officers involved. While 1090 people were killed by police in the United States in 2019, Norway has seen deaths of police officers hand for the same year. In a way, it’s not fair to compare the United States with a country like Norway – have very different economies, crime rates, historical cultures of gun ownership, population size and social problems. “It ‘s likely that if the police in Norway met with the same level of poverty and homelessness, making murder weapon prevalence of the disease untreated mental and ethnic tensions and the American police discrimination that their policy and police practice would different “says Hirschfield. But the pressure is mounting to change the policing model of the United States – led by the City of Minneapolis, “to create a new model of transformation for the installation of safety” for 12 June, after the death of a George Floyd Official city. Here’s how officers to maintain law and order without firearms wear: Policing With the agreement, while the 19 nations of the world, the officers did not vary significantly in their approach to policing weapons, they share a thread common. “What we identify in these countries that the people in tradition and have a life expectancy that officials accepting Police is not under the threat of violence,” says Guðmundur Ævar Oddsson, associate professor of sociology at the University of Iceland Akureyri the specialized class inequalities and forms of social control, such as police work. Countries with a police philosophy by consensus, such as the UK, believe that the police is their power should win win instilling anxiety in the population, but should the legitimacy and authority, while maintaining the respect and approval of the public. This model uses the police complaints be restrained by force, and success is not measured in how many officers made arrests, but the lack of crime itself. Better training in many countries where the police are unarmed governments invest training for law enforcement officers at the advanced level. In Norway, for example, the police are an elite job in which only the most qualified candidates are selected. In 2015, only 14% of the candidates that have been applied to the police academies accepted. Once admitted, the future officers are being trained as officers in the United States. Norwegian cadets must complete a three-year bachelor’s degree, where they spend a year of the company and the study of ethics, a different official shade, and one last year to focus on investigations and completed a thesis (In the United States, conducting of employees spend an average of only 21 weeks in training, which are modeled after military boot camps). “I believe that the United States must learn that we need to educate people at the time,” says Rune Glomseth, professor at Norweigan police academy. “The police have a very special role in society and you can not train for a couple of weeks. You need time.” Although the students have graduated, are required to complete 50 hours of training a year on the farm. “If our officers were as comprehensive as the police trained in Norway, would be less dependent on lethal force,” said Hirschfeld. Officials in Norway and Finland are also working together with physicians, especially psychiatric specialists, accompany officials when it comes to people who question the signs of mental illness. Instead, funding for mental health services in the United States that the police officers in cases of people use who are mentally ill has been cut in recent years, often without having the basic knowledge to do so. The result is impressive: A Washington Post analysis revealed that 25% of people in 2015 by police officers for a period of six months, a blow serious mental health problems was experienced. The greatest skill can have a police officer, is “critical thinking,” says Oddsson. “We need people [on the road], who is aware of the fact that the cop is like being a social worker.” Communitarian Laws Police in many countries where the police are unarmed officers strictest respect the law. According to the European Convention on Human Rights, the officers can fire only when “absolutely necessary.” In Finland and Norway can not pull the trigger in any official circumstances before getting permission from senior officials. In the US, however, “the general objectives of the current legislation, policy and training on the use of force … [are] to protect the safety of the police,” said Hirschfeld. Experts say that the state and federal governments can learn in the United States of Europe, by law the assumption that it is easier to track and make laid-off police officers for misconduct to create not only the most stringent requirements of release authorizations and training. tougher laws on weapons, the number of deaths caused by the aid can reduce the police. The United States is home to 40% of the weapons in the world, a threat to both police officers and those they encounter. Studies have shown that the weaker weapons laws correlate with higher homicide rates of police officers, civilians are afraid to carry a gun. There remains a persistent problem in the United States, mired in a stalemate, even after a record number of mass shootings and safe play an important role in the emerging effort to re-imagine public safety. For its part, tougher laws on weapons Zealand introduced after the shooting the mosque in 2019 and this week, its chief Andrew Coster police announced that keep unarmed policemen involved.
Picture copyright by Alex Milan Tracy-Getty

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