hunger COVID-19 Linked could cause more deaths than the disease itself, finds new report

hunger COVID-19 Linked could cause more deaths than the disease itself, finds new report

Disorders of food production and supply due COVID-19 may be more deaths from starvation that the cause of the disease by an Oxfam report released Thursday. The report found that 121 million more people fell as a result of disturbances in food production and supplies, assistance and mass unemployment could be “pushed to the brink of starvation this year.” The report estimates that 19 COVID-related hunger could cause 12,000 deaths per day: the overall mortality peaks COVID for-19 in April 10,000 deaths a day. “COVID-19 the last straw for millions of people who are already struggling with the effects of conflict, climate change, inequality and a broken food system that impoverished millions of food producers and workers,” said Oxfam’s interim executive director Chema Vera in a press release. Oxfam says Yemen, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Afghanistan, Venezuela, the Sahel of West Africa, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria and Haiti “extreme hunger hotspots” are likely to be severely affected by the pandemic. Even now, many people are starving because of the blockade measures. Yemen, for example, which is heavily dependent on food imports, has seen as a result of the feed path and closing the borders of a rise in food prices. In India the labor migrant labor inhibited by travel restrictions on farms, leaving many cultures to rot. Throughout the world, however, women and families of women-driven are connected by COVID-19 need to worry, because the women’s low economic status and the systematic discrimination they face. That women and a significant proportion of informal workers are more likely to be affected by blocking measures. “COVID-19 caused us a lot of damage” Kadidia Diallo, a female dairy farmers in Burkina Faso, Oxfam said. “Give my kids to eat something in the morning has become difficult. We are totally dependent on the sale of milk, and with the closing of the market we can not sell more milk. If we do not sell milk, do not eat.” Although COVID- 19 similar causes of hunger and restrictions as block-travel measures needed to stop the spread to prevent the virus, the report notes that there are sufficient funds globally the starvation address. Eight paying ten of the largest food and beverage companies more than $18 billion to shareholders since the beginning of this year, an amount that is “ten times more than the United Nations says is needed to stop people dying of hunger, “according to the report. “Governments need to build a fair, strong and sustainable food systems that the interests of food producers and workers before winning the big food and agribusiness together,” said Vera.
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