When it comes to homemade masks are coming, says the number of layers Matters, study

When it comes to homemade masks are coming, says the number of layers Matters, study

is required in hospitals and other care institutions with medical grade masks still scarce and bad, many Americans have turned to a variety of other ways to help slow the spread of COVID-19, hand-stitched face coatings bandanas and all the rest. But it turns out that when it comes to preventing the transmission of the virus, not all masks are created equal, according to a new study. In the study, published on Thursday in the journal Thorax, the researchers pitted three types of coatings face against each other: a single-layer “no sew” mask, a different dual layer specification of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and a three-layer surgical mask. are ready with LED lights, a high-speed camera and a healthy volunteer to have their nose, each variety was repeated marked with a tissue tested for face cover to see which is best contained droplets generated by talking, coughing and sneezing, with the idea that a better containment curb suggests improved efficacy in terms of transfer. “The COVID-19 pandemic and the need for community questions protective masks raised, as if you can just throw a scarf over his face, or if you have a cloth mask better designed to be used,” said Raina MacIntyre, professor of global biosecurity at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, and one of the study authors. The result? The surgical mask has, but the two-layer mask CDC has the best job overall still “significantly better” than the single layer of droplets cover. However, the researchers added, “even a single face coverage is better than not do.” The results were a little ‘surprising. Surgical masks are made of multi-layer based on polypropylene with an outer layer impermeable, and are on their ability to capture droplets of controlled, MacIntyre says. And the researchers knew from previous studies that the cloth masks with multiple layers perform better in general. “In fact, you probably need at least three layers,” says MacIntyre. Other factors, such as the material, design, shape, and frequency with a mask is washed, also make a difference. This new study follows a similar effort last month, and quilted conical masks commercially available, multi-layer homemade masks found to have done the best job included respiratory droplets were properly used, while “not folded masks face “and bandanas” minimum allowable bid for the small respiratory droplets aerosolized possession. ” Still other studies have shown the need for face-completely clear coatings. The research was published in June, found that the mask had sent to the United States associated with rapid decline newspaper COVID-19 case, the growth that the masking rules estimated 450,000 preventable cases until late May. Another study, also published in June was estimated that more than 30,000 related crown deaths United States although in October could be avoided if at least 95% of people wear masks in public, while another study found that the mask could wear found to reduce the risk of transmitting about 17% to about 3%. Of course, comparative effectiveness does not make different types of facial coverings, if people do not start their faces covered. While some cities and states have binding rules issued mask, many have not, and the Trump administration has been reluctant to grant national mandate. The problem was in the United States, perhaps better from Georgia Governor Brian Kemp July 16 suit politicized Atlanta challenging masking rules and other restrictions, despite an outbreak of worsening the state. Even now, the voters of the United States most registered nationwide survey released Wednesday sent mask support according to a politician. For those forced to wear face coverings safe, to help them and to keep others, it is important that only the stuffing your face in your shirt knowing he could not cut it. “The main message is that the design of your most spiritual layers cloth mask is much more than a movie,” says MacIntyre. It is recommended to ensure masks with an impermeable material such as polyester, for an outer layer, and with at least three layers and a good shape of the face. “More importantly,” he adds, “Always use a mask to clean and wash the mask used, every day.”
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