The introduction of one-stop coronavirus TIME Dashboard

The introduction of one-stop coronavirus TIME Dashboard

In July every two years, many of us begin our morning on the score of the match last night to check, or check in on the stock exchange. But in 2020, the number-most important thing that we all want to see every day is the number of new cases of COVID-19 hit the country and the state where you live in the last 24 hours. The problem is that there is so much information available largely inconsistent or incomplete, which can be difficult to quickly get a clear reading of how bad crown pandemic today than yesterday or two weeks ago or three months ago, in an attempt to reduce noise, the time has developed a dashboard from a single source, which condenses all the data available in the most and a presentation as much as possible information. The dashboard is essentially the same metrics constructed from which combs the numbers, we as journalists, the months spent most useful in informing the time of reporting of this unprecedented crisis. We thought that as long as we have to spend hours and hours can calculate the clearest image we should consider the publication of results for all. Starting today, we will update the site every morning to the latest data from the previous day. The first thing you will see on this site are both shows worldwide as the total number of cases and deaths, and the United States and, more importantly, how they grew a little of these figures “snapshot” is in the previous day and the the past two weeks-roughly the incubation time between when a person is infected, and if symptoms are likely to show. This section also provides a list of any State which is a new daily record number of infections reported recently places that make frequent headlines. As you scroll down the page, you will be the rise and fall of new cases in each state and in the United States in general, and which countries are currently responsible for seeing to the largest share of new cases in the country. The state by state comparison, we found, is to understand one of the most important means as the nation was made because the situation on the ground looks very different depending on where you live. While data at the national level for infections and deaths, the most frequently cited metrics could, that the US-digit level are mostly made with only a handful of states. And which states who have changed several times since the pandemic took off in early March in the United States. Finally, a dashboard map and a list includes the toll-capita basis-of-Pro-COVID 19 points for each country and territory, both in raw numbers and a. We prove to add modules to this dashboard as a new metric that we find in the fundamental navigation pandemic. Do not hesitate to contact us-we want to see the proposals to send if there is a certain metric you find problems and whereas data constantly to reality, trying to catch up, as we all do. We hope that this dashboard can help. Click here to see the entire dashboard.

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